Li Shang

Age: 25
Sin: Pride
Lost Thing: Full Battle Armor Suit
Face Claim: Wang Yibo

"This represents discipline, and this represents strength. You need both to reach the arrow."



The Huns, led by the ruthless Shan Yu, invade imperial China by breaching the Great Wall. The Emperor orders a general mobilization, with conscription notices requiring one man from each family to join the Imperial Chinese Army. Fa Mulan, an adventurous and active young woman, hopes to bring honor to her family. She is sent to a matchmaker to demonstrate her fitness as a future wife. However, after multiple mishaps, the matchmaker deems Mulan a disgrace to the family.Mulan's elderly father Fa Zhou - the only man in their family and a disabled army veteran - is conscripted. Mulan tries to dissuade him from going, but he protests that he must do his duty. Fearing for his life, she cuts her hair and takes her father's sword and armor, disguising herself as a man so that she can enlist in his stead. Quickly learning of her departure, Mulan's grandmother prays to the family's ancestors for Mulan's safety.In the local temple, Mushu, a small red dragon, is a disgraced former family guardian who is demoted to the role of awakening the spirits of the ancestors and family guardians for failing to protect a family member. The Great Ancestor decides that the powerful stone dragon guardian should guide Mulan. He sends Mushu to wake the guardian, but Mushu accidentally destroys the guardian's statue instead after it fails to awaken. With no other options, Mushu decides to aid Mulan himself.Reporting to the training camp, Mulan passes as a man named "Fa Ping". Under the command of Captain Li Shang, she and her fellow recruits—including three named Yao, Ling, and Chien-Po—gradually become trained soldiers.The Emperor's belligerent councilor, Chi-Fu, threatens to dissuade the Emperor from allowing Shang's men to fight. Mushu crafts a fake letter from Shang's father, General Li, ordering Shang to follow the main imperial army into the mountains. The recruits set out and arrive at a burnt village, discovering that the Huns have annihilated General Li and his troops. As the soldiers march up a mountain pass, they are ambushed by the Huns. Mulan cleverly uses a Huolongchushui cannon to cause an avalanche; Shan Yu wounds her, but he and his army are buried. Mulan's deception is revealed when her wound is bandaged. Instead of executing Mulan as the law requires, Shang, having been saved by Mulan during the battle, spares her life and expels her from the army. Mulan is left behind as the other soldiers depart for the Imperial City to report the Huns' defeat. However, Shan Yu and several Hun warriors have survived, and Mulan sees them heading towards the Forbidden City.Mulan enters the city and warns Shang, who does not believe her. The Huns then capture the Emperor and seize the palace. Mulan, Yao, Ling, and Chien-Po dress up as concubines to distract the Hun guards, allowing Shang to stop Shan Yu from killing the Emperor. Mulan lures the Hun leader onto the roof, where she pins him there with his own sword. Mushu fires a large skyrocket, which strikes and propels Shan Yu into a fireworks launching tower, causing it to explode. The Emperor praises Mulan for her heroics and bows to honor her, prompting everyone else to do the same. Mulan declined his offer of a seat on the Royal Council, but accepts the Emperor's crest and Shan Yu's sword as gifts.Mulan returns home and presents her gifts to her father, but he ignores them, happy to have her back; having become enamored with Mulan, Shang also arrives, and accepts her invitation to stay for dinner. Mushu is reinstated as a Fa family guardian as the ancestors celebrate.

Mulan II

One month after defeating the Huns, Mushu enjoys his restored status as a guardian spirit, to the dismay of the Fa family ancestors. General Shang asks Mulan for her hand in marriage, and she happily accepts. Mushu is initially thrilled about the engagement, until the ancestors inform him that if Mulan marries Shang, his family ancestors and guardians would become hers; as a result, Mushu will lose his job. The Emperor calls upon Mulan and Shang and informs them of the threat the Mongols pose to China. To oppose them, the Emperor intends to strengthen China by forging an alliance with the kingdom of Qui Gong, arranging for his three daughters, Princesses Ting-Ting, Mei, and Su, to be married to Qui Gong's princes, and assigns Mulan and Shang to protect them on their journey. Although uneasy at the idea of arranged marriage, Mulan agrees to the mission.Mulan and Shang, along with Yao, Ling and Chien-Po, set out with the princesses to Qui Gong. In order to protect his position as guardian, and believing that Mulan and Shang are incompatible due to their different behavior, Mushu tags along to sabotage their relationship, while Cri-Kee attempts to stop him. While desparately trying various ways to sabotage Mulan and Shang's relationship, Mushu accidentally destroys the princess's carriage. Now forced to travel on foot, Mulan and Shang briefly argue over what direction they should go, as well as their duties. Seeing this, Mushu manipulates Shang into believing that Mulan is fed up with him, escalating tensions between them.Meanwhile, Mei, Ting Ting and Su fall in love with Yao, Ling and Chien-Po respectively, and the princesses decide to follow Mulan's advice of having a duty to their hearts. That night, Yao, Ling and Chien-Po take the princesses out to a nearby village, and they mutually declare their love. Mulan pursues them, becoming happy that the princesses have followed their hearts. Mushu wakes up Shang, who pursues the group and reprimands them for forgetting about their duties. Mulan and Shang erupt into a heated argument, and decide that they are too different for each other and break-up.The group begins travelling across bandit country, and Mushu realizes that Mulan's break-up with Shang has only made her miserable. Overwhelmed with guilt, Mushu confesses to his actions, losing Mulan's trust yet motivating her to fix things with Shang. The group is attacked by bandits that attempt to kidnap the princesses. Although the princesses are saved, Mulan and Shang are left dangling on a broken bridge; Shang allows himself to fall into the ravine so that Mulan can lift herself up. Heartbroken, Mulan declares that the princesses won't be forced into a loveless marriage and continues on to Qui Gong alone. Mulan presents herself to Qui Gong's ruler, Lord Qin, and lies that the princesses have been killed, offering herself in their place; Lord Qin agrees, and arranges a wedding between Mulan and his eldest son, Prince Jeeki.Shang turns up alive and meets up with Yao, Ling, Chien-Po and the princesses, and heads to Qui Gong. Shang interrupts the wedding and admits that Mulan was right about following her heart. To save Mulan and Shang from Lord Qin's forces, Mushu impersonates the Great Golden Dragon of Unity, forcing Lord Qin to ally himself with the Emperor, while allowing Mulan and Shang to marry and freeing the princesses from their vows. Sometime later, Mulan and Shang officially marry in Mulan's village, and Mushu accepts the loss of his position; however, Shang combines the family temples, enabling Mushu to continue being a guardian spirit. While celebrating, Mushu accidentally reveals himself to Shang and Mulan. However, Shang is not surprised as he was already aware of Mushu's existence, as Mulan tells Mushu that she had already told Shang about him. Afterwards, Shang and Mulan embrace while the thrilled Mushu is happy to have his role back.

Fatal Flaw

Competitiveness and Stubborn

Growing up, his father was a very strong General in the army. He taught Shang how to fight. Shang's goal was to be in the army with his father, to fight alongside him. However, when his father died, he became obsessed with being the best fighter. He wasn't about to let anyone ever be better or lose to them, in any situation. He won't give up until he secures the win.



After his father died, Shang found himself on the street more often than not practicing his skills with a weapon. One night Freyr found him training and asked if he would join his gang. With nothing better to do, he accepted with the condition he was still left to get his training in to keep getting stronger. Freyr did more than that, he let him train but he also assigned him to train all the new recruits. He quickly raised in rank in the gang and gives his loyalty to Freyr. He won't let anyone disrespect him or hurt the gang, for his fellow gang members are his family.


  • Freyr - Boss/Leader

  • Ping/Mulan - Trainee


Li Shang grew up in the suburbs of Elysian Fields of Starfall with his parents. His father was General Li, a high-ranking General in the army. With whatever free time he had, he'd teach his son the art of the sword. He wanted his son to be strong and never have to worry about him being able to protect himself. Shang grew to love spending time with his father, it grew his ambition to join the army so he could fight alongside his father.Within the army, General Li had a trusted friend and comrade, Hua Zhou. Both had children around the same age who played together. They came to an agreement that the two would marry when they were of age, strengthening the family ties and securing their children's futures. Even though Hua Mulan and Shang understood they were to be married, they tried not to think about it and focus on being children.Mulan wasn't the only friend he had, he had the other boys on the block who wanted to play army. This appealed to the young warrior, but it was apparent that the others didn't want to play with Mulan when she would come over. It was hard to pick between the girl who had always been there for him and also was to be his wife, or the boys he was having a lot of fun with. Ultimately he chose the boys and told Mulan to leave them alone and to go home to learn how to be a good wife someday. Part of him felt bad for treating her like that, however, he wanted to be with the boys more than anything. So he'd ignore Mulan when they were playing which lasted for a few years, up until the war started.Rasputin had invaded and began demolishing the city to regain it for himself. His father and Hua Zhou were the first group to arrive on the scene to control and stop the uprising. During the battle, General Li shielded his friend and was killed in battle.Two days later, a member of the army showed up at the door to deliver the horrible news. Losing his father broke something in Shang that day. He barely went outside unless it was to train. His reasoning for training was that if he was to be stronger, no one could kill him like his father. Though, he no longer smiled, and no longer played with the boys on the block. After a week Hua Zhou showed up on their doorstep to tell them about the sacrifice General Li went through protecting his life and how he owed the Li family everything. That news caused the last snap in Shang. If Hua Zhou had died, then his father would still be alive. He started glaring daggers at Mulan every time he saw her, blaming her entire family for his father's death.His mother eventually broke off their children's arrangement which Shang was thankful for, he no longer wanted anything to do with her or her family. They moved from their childhood home to a smaller one in Enchanted Falls up until his mother's death. It was ruled as an accident but Shang believed it was from a broken heart. She never truly recovered from the loss of her husband. Since she hadn't made a will, the city took the house leaving Shang homeless. He did take everything he needed or anything sentimental and ended up roaming around from shelter to shelter. He'd never leave or get a job, he'd just spend most of his days training to get stronger. He didn't care about much anymore after losing both his parents and home besides training. If he was to live on the streets he was going to make sure he knew how to protect his back.One day, he ran into Freyr while he was training. He wanted to test Shang's strength and sent him to the underground fighting ring where he was put up against Caspian. Little did he know that this was a test and fought the man, making sure to win. He wasn't about to let anyone beat him, for that meant death. With Caspian's defeat, the man reported to Freyr who recruited him, he allowed the man time to still practice and promised a family who would protect his back. The offer of a family was something he wanted. So he joined on and gave his loyalty to Freyr.Throughout his time with the gang, he gained rank and started teaching new members how to fight. He wasn't about to let his "younger siblings" lose fights. He'd make them strong, he'd teach them what to look out for, and how to self-defend in any situation. He also monitored and watched the new recruits to keep order. He didn't like killing people and he'd refuse to kill the innocent, but he had and will kill people when the situation demanded him to do so.